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K.E Kents Moffet

Moffet truck

Similar to 26ton flatbeds but having the benefit of its own forklift mounted at the rear for self-loading/unloading.

The Moffet is a forklift with fantastic off-road as well as flat surface abilities, also benefiting from the sideways motion option which allows the Moffet forklift to access narrow or awkward locations where it’s not possible to use a Hiab, our Moffet’s can lift up to 2.5ton which makes the combination extremely versatile for most types of palletized or stillage cargo.

Our Moffet’s are operated by qualified and experienced operators ensuring that your goods are delivered safely.

Get In Touch With Us

    Contact us

    Paragon Centre, Cranes Farm Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3RY